Tuesday, July 14, 2020

July Covid-19 Meeting 2020

 That darn old Covid-19 can't stop us, can it!!  Weather was quite nice...actually, a little chilly!  Did I say "chilly"?  With our 90 degree weather, this was a nice change...and, as always, so good to get together and share and inspire each other!

Carol showed her latest journal she was working on at our last meeting.  The pic on the left are some drawings to put in the 'F' page and the 'colons' on the border are for her page 'C'.

Carol played with Margarita Korioth's  printing on cheesecloth from the June/July 2020 QA magazine.  Really cool!  Margarita has written several articles for QA - April/May 2018 is one she did for using magazines/papers. 

Here is article from QA

You should be able to click on the picture to read.

One of Carol's paintings from Creative Weekend workshop.

Another drawing/painting from the Creative Workshop Carol did!  He is adorable!!!  I believe the instructor for this class was Jenniffer Steck.

I believe this too was from one of the Creative Workshops Carol did.  It's suppose to be an 'androgynous' drawing! 

Appears Lois Ann has an unwanted guest in her garden!  But at least you're feeding him!!!

Only Lois Ann could be in a car and drawing and painting on their way up north!!!!

The center pic is a piece Lois Ann painted to establish her base colors.  The drawings on either side are how she finished the piece!  Beautiful!

Lois Ann has been using painter's type tape to block of borders for her paintings.  Clever!!!

Marty showed some of her 'found' fabrics.  She's not sure where or how she created them but we all thought they were great!

Marty has also participated in the Creative Workshops last weekend and learning to focus on daily practice of her art work.  She also has finished some pillows for her house as well as she finished her 'Hello Beautiful' hanging piece she showed last month.  We'll see this piece sometime this fall or winter when we meet at her house.

Marty showed a beautiful piece of fabric she purchased in Hawaii.  It's really very pretty and we all had to determine how they did the layering of the sun prints!
Marty also mentioned a book she recommended called 'Ribbons of Scarlet'.

I gave each a piece of Flexie Fush adhesive.  I did a blog post you can read here, in which I compared some other fusible products.  Mary, I'll save yours for our next meeting!

Some collages using my painted papers - these were based on some crops I did.  5.5"x8.5"

Some crops (2"x3")...two on the right were based on the design (left)  I did using stencils (9"x12")

Again, a stencil design and two crops based on this design.

My design is a screen print I did on paper last summer.  Three crops are 2"x3"

No, I'm not getting into drawing...just trying to create designs/drawings to use for cropping!
Far right is new yarn for another lace shawl - project for next winter.  Middle Beadkerchief was yarn leftover from my lace shawl.  Brown yarn on left will be a larger Beadkerchief.  Yep, I'm enjoying this knitting using Portuguese Knitting method! Check out the YouTubes for this method here!

A table runner I'm using to practice free motion quilting...I made those squares a few years ago!

If you're interested in some other textile/painting/printing YouTubes, check out Hilary Beattie's YouTube channel here.  You'll be busy for months!  HA  Don't forget,you can click on any of the bold/underlined words to go directly to that web site.

Look forward to meeting again next month and seeing all the great work you all are doing!